Open Research across Disciplines
How the principles of open research can be applied to your disciplineSociology and Anthropology
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Case Studies
UKRN case study: Political sociology and the sociology of social policy and the welfare state
University of Glasgow case study: Research Data Management in Ethical Consumption
University of Surrey case study: Maximising the impact of patient-doctor video observation data
University of York case study: Covid Realities: participant-led research in response to the pandemic – York Open Research – York Wiki Service
University of Manchester case study: Qualitative pre-registration and protocols
University of Newcastle case study: Teaching quantitative methods reproducibly
University of Newcastle case study: (The First) Ten Years of the Newcastle Urban Observatory
University of Leeds School of Languages, Cultures and Societies case study: “Changing the Story” – building inclusive civil societies with, and for, young people in post-conflict countries, with Paul Cooke
Examples of open research practices
Open Data: “Make all the materials associated with a research paper or book available online. This means data, methodological steps, analyses and software code…Even if you do not share data, you can build an open workflow from the beginning that allows others to understand every step of the data generating process (Steinhardt 2018)…Some forms of qualitative research, for example those involving grounded theory and interpretivist methods, require decisions during the research process that cannot be foreseen. This uncertainty can be outlined in a pre-registration stating explicitly when flexibility is and is not admissible (Haven and Grootel 2019).” (From Breznau (2019, September 21). The Future of Sociology Depends on Open Science.
General Resources
- Breznau, N. (2019, September 21). The Future of Sociology Depends on Open Science.
- Breznau, N. (2021). Does Sociology Need Open Science? Societies, 11(1), 9.
Open Methods
- Open access resources.
- Materials for a Crowdsourced Replication Initiative.
Open Data
- Databases:
- Humanities and Social Science resources (standards, databases, data policies) registered in FAIRsharing:
- Social and Behavioural Science resources (standards, databases, data policies) registered in FAIRsharing:
- Social Science resources (standards, databases, data policies) registered in FAIRsharing:
Open Outputs
- Preprint repository.
- Open Access Journals
This page is adapted and extended from: Farran, E. K., Silverstein, P., Ameen, A. A., Misheva, I., & Gilmore, C. (2020, December 15). Open Research: Examples of good practice, and resources across disciplines.