July 2024 LNL Newsletter

July 2024 LNL Newsletter

The July newsletter has just been published with lots of news and resources for our Local Network Leads and their network members. And find out why the work of University of Leeds LNL Eike Rinke (pictured above at the recent LNL retreat) has been recognised, and his...
Spotlight an ORCA: Karen Desborough

Spotlight an ORCA: Karen Desborough

Karen works at Cardiff University and dedicates one day a week to her role as an ORCA in the Open Research Programme. Cardiff is an unfunded partner and yet, both Karen and the institutional lead, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, have significantly contributed to the OR4...
Spotlight an ORCA: Steve Boneham

Spotlight an ORCA: Steve Boneham

Starting his research career on HIV vaccines, Steve quickly learned that significant advancements can take considerable time. After two postdoc positions, he grew disillusioned with academic research culture and joined a Jisc service that focused on leveraging the...
The 2024 LNL Retreat in Newcastle

The 2024 LNL Retreat in Newcastle

A central feature of the UKRN is supporting its grassroots community of over 90 local network leads (LNLs) from 80 UK universities (see list here). One way – among many – the UKRN does this is by hosting an annual retreat over several days. The aim is to...
Spotlight an ORCA: Jackie Thompson

Spotlight an ORCA: Jackie Thompson

One of Jackie’s roles is the ORCA at Oxford. She also works with the Open Scholarship team (Bodleian Library) and Research Practice team (Research Services) at Oxford, as well as retaining a post as Senior Research Associate at the University of Bristol. In...
UK Reproducibility’s Vision Strategy & Annual Plan 2024-2025

UK Reproducibility’s Vision Strategy & Annual Plan 2024-2025

Today the UK Research Network (UKRN) has released its first strategy and annual plan, outlining the network’s three-year goals and specific activities for the coming year. This plan, created through extensive member consultation and evidence, will be updated...
Wikimedia and open research:  a Primer from UKRN

Wikimedia and open research: a Primer from UKRN

The ethos of UKRN is to collaborate and so today we are delighted to publish a new primer that is both about perhaps the most successful collaboration of the internet era, that of Wikimedia, and the product of collaboration (between the universities of Leeds and...