Open research primers

Each primer includes an overview of the topic in the introductory “What?” section, reasons for undertaking these practices in the “Why?” section, followed by a longer “How?” section that provides guidance on how to do that open research behaviour practically.

Throughout the primers, there are embedded explanatory weblinks, and at the end of each is a collated list of links to useful further resources.

The primers are licensed under Creative Commons license CC BY 3.0. You can link to, quote, share, and adapt the primers freely.

Open research primers for researchers


Checklist for an Open Research Action Plan

Promote and embed cultural change within a research organisation.

Data sharing

Make research data available to ensure transparency and a reliable scientific record.

Open access

Universal open and barrier-free access to research benefits all knowledge users.


Open code & software

Encourage collaboration between code users, developers and researchers.


Upload, describe and disseminate your scholarly article prior to peer review.

Trusted research

Trusted Research is official Government guidance for the UK research sector.


Pre-registration & registered reports

Help reduce questionable research practices, and prevent selective reporting.


Rights retention

Advice for authors on their copyright licences

Open source hardware

The benefits of open source hardware in research

Community Engagement in Research

Community engagement is an integral part of open research

Wikimedia and open research

How Wikimedia is contributing to open research

Open research primers for professional services staff


Checklist for an Open Research Action Plan

Promote and embed cultural change within a research organisation.

Open research awards

Run a competition to recognise and reward researchers who have used open practices.

Working in Open Research

An introductory guide for those working and considering working in the area of open research

Working in Open Access

An introductory guide for those working and considering working in the area of open access

Working in research data management

An introductory guide for those working and considering working in the area of research data management

Open Research Champions Networks

An introductory guide for those setting up or running networks of Open Research Champions

These documents were crowd-authored by members of the UKRN and their university communities. The primer series will be updated and extended to include topics from the whole research cycle.

To let us know about a change or potential update, typo, or to request a primer on a particular topic, please get in touch.