The House of Commons Science, Innovation and Technology Committee recently released the report of its inquiry into reproducibility and research integrity. It made 23 recommendations, many of which are directly relevant to the UKRN. A short survey of our members’ views on those recommendations, published today, reveals that UKRN’s priorities should be to support and promote education, training, reformed research assessment, culture change and transparency in research to promote reproducibility and research integrity.  UKRN should engage with others to inform their work in these areas, should convene across the system where it has a remit and strengths to do so, and bring the voice of its research communities to shape relevant concrete proposals that are taken forward. UKRN has regular engagement with, for example, UKRI, the UK Committee on Research Integrity and the UK Research Integrity Office, through which it will continue to advocate for research rigour and transparency.  UKRN’s working paper

Image credit: Carlos Granell, Universitat Jaume I.