Today the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) and the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) jointly release a working paper that outlines the tasks implied for institutions by the UK Open Research Data Concordat (PDF, 178kB). This Concordat was launched in 2016 and much has happened since.

Nevertheless, it is useful to have clarity brought by an expert review of the expectations it set for institutions. For example, this has enabled the FAIRsharing team, a partner of UKRN Open Research Programme and part of University of Oxford, to map these expectations to their schema as a basis for policy enrichment activities this year.

The clarity on the tasks expected of institutions is also being used by the UKRN STAR Project to inform fieldwork to assess how institutions have put in place sustainable arrangements to support open research data.

There has been much national and international progress since 2016, by the research data management community, by institutions, funders and others, and we expect the landscape to continue to evolve. Clarifying and learning from how previous expectations have fared can inform this evolution.

Photo by Gerd Altmann