King’s College London

UKRN links

Institutional lead: Professor Tim Newton (20% FTE)

Local Network Leads: Samuel Westwood and Olivia Kowalczyk (0% FTE)

Open Research Coordinator: Ruth Davies

Open Research


King’s College London is a signatory of:

Concordat to Support Research Integrity (2019) and adheres to its five commitments.

International Sorbonne Declaration on Research Data Rights, published in January 2020.

San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment – more information about this can be found in King’s College London’s commitment to fair and responsible research assessment.

King’s has adopted the UKRIO Code of Practice for Research, to ensure our commitment to the highest quality and standards as applied to the conduct of research and the dissemination of research results.


King’s has an Open Research Group Initiative (or KORGI) composed of an interdisciplinary mix of mainly senior academics and experienced research staff at King’s College London.

Guidance and policies:

Information and guidance on managing research data can be found through Libraries & Collections at King’s, this is accessible here: Managing Research Data | Research support | King’s College London (

The Research Governance Office at KCL also provides high level support to researchers with particular focus on data protection requirements for research data under UK Data Protection Law – more information on this support can be found here: Research Governance – King’s College London (

King’s Libraries and Collections has guidance and support on preserving data, this can be found here: Preserve | Research support | King’s College London (

Tools and Systems:

The front-end of King’s CRIS and research publications repository system ‘Pure’ is openly accessible here: Research Portal, King’s College, London (

King’s Open Research Data Repository KORDS can be accessed here:


At King’s College London, the Centre for Research Staff Development, Research Governance, Ethics & Integrity, and Libraries & Collections are all involved in the designing and delivering of training that is relevant to Open Research practices.

Currently King’s training resources on open research are only available to King’s students and staff, however if you would like to find out more about the departments, information can be found at the links below:

Centre for Research Staff Development – King’s College London (

Research Governance, Ethics & Integrity – King’s College London (

Libraries and Collections Research support | King’s College London (

    Responsible Research Assessment / Recognition and Reward for open research


    King’s College London is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment – more information about this can be found in King’s College London’s commitment to fair and responsible research assessment.

    Research Ethics and Integrity


    The Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity department is committed to enabling researchers to achieve research excellence. We support the King’s research community to ensure that all research conducted is safe, lawful, and of the highest standards of integrity and rigour. More information about each office can be found on the King’s website: Research Governance, Ethics & Integrity – King’s College London ( 

    King’s Research Integrity Statement can be found here and information about the procedure for Research Misconduct can be found here: Research misconduct – King’s College London (

    King’s Statement on Use of Personal Data in Research from the Research Governance Office can be found here: King’s College London Statement on Use of Personal Data in Research – King’s College London (


    The RIOTS Science Club RIOT Science Club ( & is a grass roots initiative founded at King’s that is raising awareness and providing training in Reproducible, Interpretable, Open & Transparent Science. Regular talks are held online and in person, on topics relating to RIOT.